Government budget on education
and percentage of allocation over all sectors
Distribution of Government Budget
on Education by Sub-sectors
Distribution of Government
Revenue Budget on Education by Sub-sectors
Distribution of Government
Revenue Budget on Education by Type of Education
Distribution of Government
Development Budget on Education by Sub-sectors
Per student (capita) Recurring
Cost by type of Institution
Number of Non-Govt. Secondary
schools (Junior+High) and number of school having MPO, 1991-92 to
Number of Non-Govt. Colleges and
number of College having MPO, 1991-92 to 2001-02
Number of Non-Govt. Madrasah and
number of Madrasahhaving MPO, 1991-92 to 2001-02
Expenditure of the Govt. on
salary subvention to the Non-Govt. Educational institutions, 1990-91
to 2001-02
Percentage of expenditure on
salary subvention to the Non-Govt. Education institutions over Revenue
budget of secondary and tertiary education
Number of Secondary Girls
Students (Sschool+Madrasah) Received Stipends and tution Subsidies,
Number of Post Primary Education Institutions by
Number and Percentage of Post Primary Education Institutions by
Division, Type of education, Gender and Management , 1999
Number and Percentage of Techinical-Vocational Education
Institutions byType and Division,1999
Number and Percentage of Professional Education Institutions
byType and Division,1999
Number and percentage of Secondary Schools by Age and Year of
Number and percentage of College by Age and Year of
Number and percentage of Madrasah by Age and Year of
Number and PERCENTAGE OF Students in Post Primary Education
Institutions By Type of Education, Gender and management, 1999
Number and Percentage o Students Post Primary Education
Institutions by Division, Types and Management , 1999
Number and Percentage of Students in Techinical-Vocational
Education Institutions byType and Division,1999
Number and Percentage of Students in Professional Education
Institutions byType and Division,1999
Number and Percentage of students of Secondary schools (Junior+High)
By Divisions, Management and Location, 1999
Number and Percentage of students in College By Divisions,
Management and Location, 1999
Number and Percentage of students of Madrasah Education
Institute By Divisions, Management and Location, 1999
Number and Percentage of teachers in Post Primary Education
Institutions Division, Gender and Management , 1999
Number and Percentage of School Teachers By Divisions,
Management and Location, 1999
Number and Percentage of Non-Teaching Staff in School, College
and madrasah By Type, Gender and Management, 1999
Number and Percentage of teachers in school by Highest Academic
Attainment with Division/Class , Type and management, 1999
Number of teachers in Colleges by Highest Academic Attainment
with Division/Class , Type and Management, 1999
Number and Percentage of teachers in Madrasahs by Highest
Academic Attainment with Division/Class , Type and Management, 1999
Average Classroom per Institution in School, College and
Madrasah By Level of Institution and Management, 1999
Average Area (Square feet) of Covered Space By Type and Level of
Education, 1999
Average Area (Square feet) of Covered Space By Type of
Institutions and Division, 1999
Percentage of
habitations Served BY Primary Sections
Percentage of Rurl Population Served BY Primary Sections
Villages with Unrecognised Primary Schools
Primary Schools according to Teachers in Position
Pupil - Teacher Ratio in Primary schools
Pupil - Teacher Ratio in Selected States
Age-specific and net Enrolment ratios for the Age-group 6 to Below
11 years
Percentage of habitations and Population Served by Secondary
Sections in Different Population Slabs
Rural habitations in Different Population slabs Served by Higher
Secondary Sections within Them or within a Distance of 8 km
Teachers in Position in Schools
Percentage of Teachers in Position Against Senctioned Posts in
Structure of Education Expenditures by Sub-sectors
Structure of Recurrent Expenditures
Estimted costs to the Proposed Secondary education Reform
School age Population ( In thousand)
Gross Enrollment ratios
Enrollment and Student Growth rates
Education expenditure Scenario-1
Education expenditure Scenario-2
Education expenditure Scenario-3
Gross and Net
enrolment Rate in Primary Education, 2001, Page-8
Number of Institution, Teacher and Enrolment in General education
Number of Institution, Teacher and Enrolment in Madrasah education
By Level of institution, Management and sex 2001, page-11
Number of Institution, Teacher and Enrolment in Technical
vocational education by level of institution, Management and sex 2001
Number of Institution, Teacher and Enrolment in Teachers education
By Level of institution, Management and sex 2001, page-14
Number of Universities, Teachers and students by sex and Management
2001, page-14
Number of Post-primary education institutions by type of education,
level and management, 2001
No. of Teachers in PPE Institution by type of Education, Level and
management, 2001
Numbers of students in PPE Institution by type of Education, level
and Management, 2001
Enrolment in Secondary level by Grade, Age and Sex, 2001
Enrolment in Secondary level by Grade, Age and Sex, 2001
Gross and Net enrolment Ratio in Secondary Level, 2001
Dropout and Completion Rates in Different Grade/cycle, 2001
No. of Secondary School, teachers and Enrolment by
No. of College, teachers and Enrolment by area/location-2001
No. of Madrasah, teachers and Enrolment by area/location-2001
Growth of Primary Schools by management
Growth of Primary Schools teachers by Sex
Growth of Primary Schools Students by Sex
Growth of secondary schools (Junior + High) by Management
Growth of secondary school (Junior + High) teachers by Sex
Growth of Secondary school (Junior+ High) Students by Sex
Growth of College by Management
Growth of College teachers by Sex
Growth of College students by Sex
Growth of Madrasah(Dakhil to Kamil) by Management
Growth of Madrasah teachers by Sex
Growth of Madrasah students by Sex
Growth of University by Management
Growth of University teachers by Sex
Growth of Unioversity students by Sex