We are all mountain people
Whether we live at sea level or at the highest elevations, we are
all mountain people. We are connected to mountains and are affected
by mountains in more ways than we can imagine. Mountains provide
most of the world's fresh water, harbour as much or more
biodiversity than any other areas and are home to at least one in
ten people. Yet, war, poverty, hunger, climate change and
environmental degradation are threatening the web of life that
mountains support. The International Year of Mountains is an
opportunity to take steps to protect mountain ecosystems, to promote
peace and stability in mountain regions and to help mountain people
attain their goals and aspirations. By taking care of the world's
mountains, we help to ensure the long-term security and survival of
all that is connected to them, including ourselves.
The UN
Resolution |
Report of UN
Secretary-General on IYM 2002
2002 Tokyo
Declaration for the International Year of Mountains
year 2002 was designated by the United Nations as the International
Year of Mountains. The year is a worldwide celebration of mountain
communities with a focus on mountain sustainable development
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noncommercial purposes. Proper citation is required.
Sustainable Development Networking Programme (SDNP)
info@sdnbd.org |